



My three pillars for your health.


For me, being a health craftsman means that I have the coach, the trainer and the therapist as tools in my health toolbox.

Each of these tools in turn has different specific characteristics and modes of action. Whenever they are useful for my clients, I use them in a customised way. 



My focus in psychotrauma work is on emotional work and body therapy.

This practical approach offers the opportunity to recognise and subsequently treat unconscious causes of questions about true identity, chronic exhaustion or persistent health problems such as back pain, sleep disorders, obesity or feelings of panic.

My body therapy approach is based on the Identity-Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IoPT) by Prof Franz Ruppert, among others.

Extensive coaching following the self-encounters supports the entire process.

The path to inner wholeness is supported by further practical methods to strengthen the synergy of body and psyche: 

  • breathing exercises 
  • focussing on certain body positions (embodiment)
  • Strength training & flexibility training
  • Acupressure & reflexology
  • Kinesiology or relaxation methods 

The sessions can be conducted privately or in small groups. The effect of the methods is best understood through personal experience.

More information about the practical process can be found here



In my coaching sessions, I offer professional support to help you make lifestyle changes or improve your work-life balance. 

If you feel overloaded, have the feeling that you don't have your strength and are looking for vision, orientation and clarity in your everyday life, then you have a trustworthy and safe companion in me.

Practical stages for your goals:

  • Stress and strain diagnosis
  • In-depth analysis of the areas of your life
  • Holistic coaching
  • (Re)discovering values and strengths
  • Personal Training

In the Coaching, we develop your personal health compass together. 

You will discover your individual health potential, find a better way of dealing with boundaries, develop invigorating rituals, get rid of disruptive ways of thinking and behaviour and improve your stress competence.

A personal health compass serves as a guide to

  • Resolve life crises / resistance
  • Learn to regulate and utilise emotions
  • Recognise stress and burn-out
  • Master phases of upheaval
  • Your way to your health compass

    Together we will take the next steps and find solutions.

    The Health Compass will sustainably improve your quality of life and enable you to continue to fulfil your own expectations and important plans.

    In the first check-up, we analyse your current and target situation and talk about your motivation, expectations and wishes.

    The diagnosis of your vital parameters shows your ability to adapt under stress as well as your current physical and mental potential.

    A resource balance clarifies your current possibilities and shows the first steps on the way to your goal.

    A holistic values and strengths check-up uncovers hidden potential.

    The assessment of your areas of life opens up new perspectives.

    Kinesiological muscle function diagnostics and movement analyses can uncover systemic imbalances, reveal areas of pain and movement deficits and release energetic blockages.

    If the direction is right, your resources will unfold.

    Neugierig? Hier geht's zum Kontakt

Personal Training

Stable. From the inside.

Your physical fitness is an essential part of your holistic health and therefore a central component of my treatment programme. 

Through targeted diagnostics and an individual training programme, I support you in positively influencing your body awareness, increasing your energy and performance levels, reducing physical pain and keeping you fit and healthy in the long term. 

The personal training programme takes place in my studio or outdoors. We work with functional equipment and professional equipment to guarantee optimal training results. 

The studio offers a quiet atmosphere where you can leave the stress of everyday life behind and concentrate fully on your training. 

The start - detailed analyses

In the first check-up, we talk about your motivation, expectations and wishes and analyse your current and target situation. 

We then use diagnostics to measure your vital parameters, your ability to adapt under stress and your current stress levels. 

Using kinesiological muscle function diagnostics in combination with movement analyses, we can clarify muscular and systemic imbalances, identify areas of pain and assess movement deficits.

Curious? Let's get to know each other.

Self-check: Download my questionnaire to assess your different health levels here.

Download questionnaire

An extract from my tools

The diversity and individuality of your goals and physical or mental challenges do not allow for a blueprint.

With my expertise and experience, I am confident that we will find a good start together. 

Because the quality of the start can unleash enormous power for your changes.

I adapt my tools to your status and pace of development and work with conviction. 

At the beginning, we will take plenty of time to listen to your concerns and explore possible underlying needs and causes.

Options for your Coaching

(Live and Online):

  • Health analysis and reflection coaching: 4 to 6 sessions
  • Health analysis and regular coaching & training: your fixed holistic health appointment
  • Process guide and integration work in your everyday life: 6 to 12 months

One thing is crucial: that you take action - at your own pace.

Head and body work

  • Exclusive private studio
  • Systemic coaching
  • Value-based coaching
  • Personal training
  • Strength training
  • Pain treatment
  • Embodiment

Heart and integration work

  • Acupressure
  • Reflexology
  • Applied kinesiology
  • Mindfulness training
  • Constellation work with IoPT
  • Stress diagnostics (HRV)
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"With Tim, I'm breaking down my insecurities and mental blocks bit by bit to transform them into active and positive changes. After just 2 months, I feel much stronger both mentally and physically. Thank you Tim!"

Stepahnie K.

Entrepreneur, museum initiator

Stress - the big issue of our time

Reducing stress wherever possible, paying attention to our emotions, whether visible or suppressed, and looking after our mental wellbeing can have profound effects on physical health - this is intuitively obvious to many people. It's important to view the body as a vehicle for positively influencing emotional states. If you go through life stressed without knowing it, it's like a ticking time bomb for your health.

Four important principles for your process.



Strengthening physical and emotional fitness and having the courage to confront one's own feelings are of central importance.



The correct interpretation of body signals enables a new understanding of symptoms of illness in order to take self-determined measures.



My goal is to activate your body's self-healing powers and restore your self-confidence.



I promise to deal with your concerns in a careful, trusting and authentic manner. It is important to me that you feel accepted just as you are.

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